the syan encyclopedia
a ryda-di-o'nolis di-syana

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The education system

The education system in Syana is designed around the core 20 digits of the numbers in Syan. The 20 school-years are grouped into 4 sections of 5 years each, which work to continously develop the key life-skills and education that a prosperous citizen of Syana needs.


(ages 3 - 7)

The first school a child will go to, it teaches basic reading and writing as well as numeracy. Children will also have simple lessons in cultural and historical topics.

Contains the following years:


(ages 8 - 12)

The second and last phase of o’loma-di-nolis di-o’aas ("childish schools") which completes a child’s acquisition of literacy and numeracy skills. At this age children also take lessons in English and Science subjects to prepare them for the next phase of education. Students will take the naaka-di-nolis di-lod (First Exam) to assess the progress they have made up to this point.

Contains the following years:


(ages 13 - 17)

The most formal phase of education, where students take the naaka-di-nolis di-laad (Second Exam) which determines whether or not they can move onto the next phase of education. At this stage students will choose 10* subjects in which they study and are examined on. (Literacy, maths, history and geography are mandatory choices for all pupils, the other 6 are chosen by the student). Schools are also required to give ungraded lessons on culture as well as politics+law. English and French/Spanish are also required subjects, however a student can choose whether they wish to take an exam in these.

Contains the following years:


(ages 18 - 22)

The final stage of the Syan education system, at this age students can take the naaka-di-nolis di-lid (Third Exam) in up to three subjects. This stage of education is extremely difficult to get into due to the high requirements of second exam results (most o’loma-di-bia-nolis require at least 60% for a low level course and 80-90% for high level courses). This stage is completely optional, unlike all of the other stages.

Contains the following years: